Romans 3 – Bible Confessions, Meditations, and Declarations
Rom 3:1. There is advantage in being a spiritual Jew and there is profit in spiritual circumcision. Therefore, I am blessed because I am a spiritual Jew and I am spiritually circumcised.
Rom 3:2. The oracles of God have been committed to me, because I am a spiritual Jew.
Rom 3:3. I believe and therefore the effectiveness of the faith of God is revealed in and through me.
Rom 3:4. It is written, “Let God be true, but every man a liar” and “That You might be justified in Your sayings, and might overcome when You are judged.” It is also written that my life is hidden with Christ in God (Col 3:3), and that I know the Truth and no lie is of the Truth (1 John 2:21) therefore, I decree that I am filled with Truth and there is no lie in me. I am justified in my sayings and I overcome when I am judged. Every tongue that rises against me in judgment, I condemn (Isa 54:17).
Rom 3:5. My righteousness commends the righteousness of God, and my God is not unrighteous in taking vengeance.
Rom 3:6. God shall judge the world with righteousness and He shall judge and govern the people with equity and truth (Psalm 96:13, 98:9). As a saint, I shall judge the world and angels (1 Cor 6:2,3), and all my judgements shall be with righteousness, equity and truth.
Rom 3:7. I do not get judged as a sinner because I speak the truth at all times and God’s truth abounds more through this, unto His glory.
Rom 3:8. I do good at all times, and good always comes unto me. Therefore, damnation never becomes my portion.
Rom 3:9. I was under sin, but I have died to sin and I live unto Christ. So, I don’t reckon myself better than others, I rather reckon myself as a product of God’s grace, therefore I live in humility and all my boast is in the Lord (Ps 34:2).
Rom 3:10. I am not righteous of myself; my righteousness is of God.
Rom 3:11. Of myself, I understand nothing, but because I seek after God and I am taught of the Lord (Isa. 54:13), and because I am led into all truth by the Spirit of the Lord, therefore I know and understand all things ( ).
Rom 3:12. The Lord leads me in the way that I should go and He teaches me to profit (Isa 48:17), therefore I do not go out of the way, and I always stay profitable. He also works in me both to will and to do of His good pleasure (Phil 2:13), therefore I do God’s will all the days of my life and I am always profitable.
Rom 3:13. My throat brings forth rivers of living water out of my belly (John 7:38), so there is no death in my throat, and my tongue is always filled with singing, not deceit (Ps 126:2). The poison of asps is not under my lips, instead, grace is poured into my lips (Ps 45:2).
Rom 3:14. My mouth and my heart contain no cursing or bitterness; rather, they are always filled with the praise and the honour of the Lord (Ps 71:8) and with laughter (Ps 126:2).
Rom 3:15. My feet abhor the shedding of blood, because they are shod with the preparation of the Gospel of peace (Eph 6:15).
Rom 3:16. Neither destruction nor misery will ever be in my way;
Rom 3:17. I fear the Lord and I walk in His ways (Ps 128:1,4), therefore I am blessed. I know the way of peace and I walk in it.
Rom 3:18. and the fear of God is always before my eyes.
Rom 3:19. Because Christ has redeemed me from the curse of the law (Gal 3:13), therefore, I am not guilty. I am blameless, faultless and justified before God.
Rom 3:20. I’m in Christ Jesus and I walk not after the flesh, but after the Spirit, therefore there is no condemnation against me (Rom 8:1); I am justified in God’s sight. I believe in Christ Jesus, therefore I am justified from all things from which I could not be justified by the law of Moses (Acts 3:39, Gal 2:16). I do not walk according to the Law, therefore I have no knowledge of sin.
Rom 3:21. The righteousness of God apart from the Law is revealed unto me, and it is witnessed by the Law and the Prophets,
Rom 3:22. even the righteousness of God, through faith in Jesus Christ, to us all and on us all who believe.
Rom 3:23. All have sinned, and all have come short of the glory of God;
Rom 3:24. But I thank God that I am justified freely by God’s grace through the redemption that is in Christ Jesus:
Rom 3:25. God has set forth the Lord Jesus to be a propitiation for me through faith in His blood, I believe in the effectiveness of the blood that Jesus Christ shed for my redemption. God has also set Him forth to declare His (God’s) righteousness for the remission of my sins that are past, through God’s forbearance;
Rom 3:26. God chose to declare His righteousness at the present time, so that He might be just, and be my Justifier because I have faith in Jesus.
Rom 3:27. Therefore boasting is excluded for me by the Law of grace. I cannot glory about anything except that which Christ has accomplished through me (Rom 15:18) and all my boast is in the Lord (Ps 34:2).
Rom 3:28. I am justified by faith apart from the deeds of the Law.
Rom 3:29. God is both the God of the Jews and of the Gentiles: I will therefore walk in love towards all – Jew and Gentile, Christian and non-Christian,
Rom 3:30. because there is one God who will justify the circumcised by faith and the uncircumcised through faith.
Rom 3:31. I do not make the Law void through faith, rather, I establish and uphold the Law.